


從前有一個少女,叫做雅拉克妮,她出生在一個貧窮的家庭裡。她擅長女紅,織布紡紗樣樣皆能,刺繡的技巧更是超群絕倫,繡出來的東西件件栩栩如生。大家都在背後贊不絕口,有的說,她這一手精巧的手藝,是工藝女神雅典娜傳授給她的,更有人說,她的手藝,比女神還高明呢!雅拉克妮聽到人家在那樣議論的時候,總是說:「你們錯了,我這一手本領,是自己研究出來的,絕對沒有跟任何女神學過。」雅典娜女神在天上聽到了,心裡很不舒服,總想到人間走一趟,看看那個女子到底有多大本領。一天,她穿上一身破衣服,被頭散髮,手裡拿著一根手杖,打扮成老太婆的模樣,搖搖晃晃的到了雅拉克妮家的門口來。「妳怎麼敢說自己的本領比女神雅典那還要高明?妳如果說過這樣... 顯示更多 從前有一個少女,叫做雅拉克妮,她出生在一個貧窮的家庭裡。她擅長女紅,織布紡紗樣樣皆能,刺繡的技巧更是超群絕倫,繡出來的東西件件栩栩如生。大家都在背後贊不絕口,有的說,她這一手精巧的手藝,是工藝女神雅典娜傳授給她的,更有人說,她的手藝,比女神還高明呢! 雅拉克妮聽到人家在那樣議論的時候,總是說:「你們錯了,我這一手本領,是自己研究出來的,絕對沒有跟任何女神學過。」雅典娜女神在天上聽到了,心裡很不舒服,總想到人間走一趟,看看那個女子到底有多大本領。一天,她穿上一身破衣服,被頭散髮,手裡拿著一根手杖,打扮成老太婆的模樣,搖搖晃晃的到了雅拉克妮家的門口來。 「妳怎麼敢說自己的本領比女神雅典那還要高明?妳如果說過這樣的話,就應該向女神告罪。我是一個上了年紀的人,比起妳這年輕人來,所知道的事情是多得多呢!所以,妳應該聽聽我的話。」雅典娜對她這麼說。雅拉克妮聽了大怒,說道:「妳的年紀也不小了吧,這種莫名其妙的忠告,還是不說得好。倘使女神對於我的手藝真的不服氣,就不妨親自出來和我較量一下。」 雅典娜一聽,馬上就脫下那套破衣服,丟下手杖,顯露出她的神威,大聲喝道:「妳所說的那個雅典娜,就是我!」在周圍看熱鬧的那些人都大吃一驚,一起跪下向女神膜拜,可是已經動了火的雅拉克妮卻連頭也不低一下。 她們兩個馬上就開始比賽織布,兩架織布機放在一起,他們先紡出五顏六色的紗來,然後,都用一種快到令人眼花的速度開始織布。只見兩個梭子忽前忽後,忽左忽右的飛動,七彩的棉紗在織布機上,織出了各種綺麗的花樣來。 在女神的布上,出現了以宙斯為首的十二個神像。女神把她本人織成一個頭戴盔帽,一手執盾,一手拿著銳利長矛的樣子,在槍尖聳立著一株枝葉茂密,果實累累的橄欖樹。 雅拉克妮織的也很漂亮,不過,她織出的圖面簡直是在跟神開玩笑,她把宙斯變幻成各種動物遊戲人間的情景都織了出來。還有冥王黑帝斯搶泊瑟芬為妻的故事,也都展露在布面上。連憤怒的雅典娜看了,也十分驚訝,這個雅拉克妮在布面上織出來的人物,個個都像活的一樣。 這兩幅布,到底哪一幅織得高明,誰也不能替她們判斷高低。她們兩人的本領實在不相上下。不過,女神對於這個女子的傲慢態度感到十分氣憤,她走到雅拉克妮的織布機旁邊,伸出手來在布上拍了一下,那幅布馬上裂了開來。雅拉克妮看了,不禁害怕起來。女神喝道:「妳給我織吧!永遠織個不停,好贖回妳的罪過!!」然後雅拉克妮就被變成了有著圓圓的肚子和長長的手腳的蜘蛛。 我們到現在時常看到,蜘蛛老是牽著一條比線還細,肉眼看不太清楚的發光的細線,不管斷了多少次,總是又接起來,把樹枝間的空間張滿。有時在那細線上,還掛著些耀眼的露珠,這些全是雅拉克妮的傑作。 請用英文寫出來。急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急!★請在19:00內回答★





There once was a girl called Yalakeni, she was born in a poor family. She is good at needlework, weaving, spinning everything emerged, it is considered outstanding embroidery techniques, embroidery piece is brought to life out of something. We all praise in the background, some said she exquisite craft of this hand is the technique taught to her by the goddess Athena, and some say, her art, than the goddess is also brilliant too! Yalakeni heard in that debate, when people always say: "You are wrong, I am the hand skills are out of their own research, there is no goddess with any learned." Heard in the sky goddess Athena, was very uncomfortable, the total human thought a trip to see the girl in the end how much ability. One day, she put on rags, was first circulated, holding a cane, dressed as old woman's appearance, staggering to the door to Yalakeni home. . 2010-05-28 19:12:21 補充: "How dare you the ability to Athens than the goddess was also smart? If you say so, they should tell the offense to the goddess. I am an elderly person, compared to the young man to you, know things are much more too! Therefore, you should listen to my words. "Athena on her say so. 2010-05-28 19:12:56 補充: Yalakeni heard furious and said: "Your age is not small the bar, this strange advice, or not well said. It fall goddess for my skills do not really convinced, you may wish to personally come out and my contest look. " 2010-05-28 19:13:18 補充: Athena 1, immediately broke off the set of clothes, leaving cane, revealing her divinity, loudly: "You said that Athena is me!" Around to watch the those who are surprised , with the knees to worship the goddess, but has moved the fire Yalakeni not even look at first is not low. 2010-05-28 19:13:58 補充: They both start at once to weave together two looms, they start to spin out of colorful yarn, and then, all is blurred with a speed approaching start weaving. 2010-05-28 19:37:19 補充: f 2010-05-28 19:42:20 補充: 太多字啦!無得答。丅-丅


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