







eggplant:矮瓜 springroll:春卷 fries"薯條 vegetables:蔬菜 rice:飯 congee粥 noodles麵 bread麵包 spagetties意粉 sausages腸仔 ham火腿 ice-cream雪糕 salad沙律 hamberger漢堡包kiwifruit奇異果 sushi壽司 pudding布甸,turkey火雞,candies糖果,ginger薑,peanuts花生, 芝麻seasame,餅乾biscuit,薯片chips,蛋卷eggroll,cake蛋糕 tangerine 柑 papaya 木瓜 spaghetti bolognese 義大利肉醬麵 omelette 奄列 porkchop 豬排 roast beef 烤牛肉 frenc fries 炸薯條 toast 吐司 yoghurt 酸乳酪 pumpkin pie 南瓜派 steak 牛排 scrambled eggs 炒蛋 crisps / potato chips 炸馬鈴薯片 chewing gum 口香糖 popcorn 爆米花 cauliflower 花椰菜 broccoli 硬花甘藍 celery 芹菜 eggplant 茄子 broad bean 蠶豆 cabbage 包心菜 y: yangmei, yamamomo, Yardlong bean, Yam, Yacón, Yarrow, Yerba Buena, Yohimbe z: zucchini, Za'atar, Zedoary Root


biscuit,餅乾 bread麵包 candies糖果 congee粥 eggplant:矮瓜 fries"薯條 ginger薑, ham火腿 hamberger漢堡包 ice-cream雪糕 kiwifruit奇異果 noodles麵 , ,peanuts花生, pudding布甸 salad沙律 sausages腸仔 seasame芝麻 spagetties意粉 springroll:春卷 sushi壽司 rice:飯, turkey火雞 vegetables:蔬菜 ,薯片chips,蛋卷eggroll,cake蛋糕 tangerine 柑 papaya 木瓜 spaghetti bolognese 義大利肉醬麵 omelette 奄列 porkchop 豬排 roast beef 烤牛肉 frenc fries 炸薯條 toast 吐司 yoghurt 酸乳酪 pumpkin pie 南瓜派 steak 牛排 scrambled eggs 炒蛋 crisps / potato chips 炸馬鈴薯片 chewing gum 口香糖 popcorn 爆米花 cauliflower 花椰菜 broccoli 硬花甘藍 celery 芹菜 eggplant 茄子 broad bean 蠶豆 cabbage 包心菜 y: yangmei, yamamomo, Yardlong bean, Yam, Yacón, Yarrow, Yerba Buena, Yohimbe z: zucchini, Za'atar, Zedoary Root 參考資料:|||||apple banana chicken duck egg fish grape ice cream jam ketchup lasagne roast duck quenelle yoghurt|||||R字頭:Razor Clam , Rock sugar , Risotto , Ragout W字頭:whelk , Wild pepper , White vinegar , Watermelon , Water caltrop , Walnut , Wonton , Wasabi Y字頭:yam , Yolk , Yakitori , Yoghurt X字頭: Z字頭: K字頭:Ketchup , kiwi , Katsua(bonito) , Kato(octopus) , Kimgee Q字頭:Queensland nut X,Z幫唔到你,,|||||APPLE BREAD CRAB D EEG FISH GOOSE H ICE-CREAM JAM KEBAB LEMON/LOSBTER MOON CAKE NOODLE OATMEAL Q RICE STEAK TUNNER U VERMICELLI WATER-MELON X YAM NOOLES Z|||||Kedgeree Traditional British breakfast dish, originally from India and probably a corruption of the Hindustani name 'khichri', a favourite Indian dish. The British version is different from the Indian version and is made with rice, cooked and flaked smoked haddock, hard-boiled eggs, garam masala and turmeric, which gives the dish its characteristic sunshine yellow colour. Ravioli <-- stuff like pasta Yorkshire Pudding <---Yummy!! Quiche An open flan or tart with a savoury custard filling, usually of egg and milk with other ingredients added to taste - fish, meat or vegetables. Originally from the Lorraine region of north-east France (hence quiche Lorraine with bacon, onion and cheese), the quiche has become a classic of French cuisine but is eaten across Europe and in many other countries. Zabaglione A rich, foamy Italian dessert made by whisking egg yolks, Marsala wine and sugar together over a gentle heat. It's usually served barely warm. Some versions might have the addition of fresh fruit or fruit coulis. Zabaglione is quite similar to the French sabayon. Whelk Whelks are saltwater molluscs with grey or brownish shells. They resemble pointy snails. They're usually sold already cooked and shelled and can be eaten with a sprinkling of vinegar or with slices of bread and butter. The chewy flesh is quite juicy and salty. They're available year-round but are at their best from September to February. If you do cook them from fresh, ensure you wash them thoroughly in several changes of water then leave them to soak for a couple of hours. They only need minimal cooking of about ten to 15 minutes in boiling salted water, otherwise the flesh will be rubbery. Youghurt... = ="
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