



Prove the condition of similar triangle, AAA.


Prove that "If two triangles satisfy the condition, AAA, then they are similar triangle." 更新: How to define similar triangle? All the sides are in proportion iff they are similar triangle. Is the above statement an axioma?


You can use the sin law to prove that. Sin Law tell us that in the triangle ABC, AB/sin C = BC/sin A = AC/sin C Let there is two triangle PQR and XYZ, and angle P=X, Q=Y and R=Z. In the triangle PQR,we have: PQ/sin R = QR/sin P = PR/sin Q..............(1) In the triangle XYZ, we have: XY/sin Z =YZ/sin X = XZ/sin Y....................(2) (1)/(2),we have: PQsinZ/XYsinR = QRsin X/YZsinP = PRsin Y/XZsin Q...........(3) since angle P=X, Q=Y and R=Z, sin P=sin X, sin Q=sin Y and sin R=sin Z..................(4) Put (4) into (3), we have: PQ/XY = QR/YZ = PR/XZ All the sides are in proportion, so triangle PQR is similar to triangle XYZ.

其他解答: This method is suitable to Form 3 students who are not expected to know Sine Law. Yes, "3 sides proportional as well as equiangular" (both are true) is the definition of similar triangles.

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