超easy o既計π方法&計π o既program
拜託,我想計πo既小數位,但我覺得πo既計法太難 可唔可以俾個超easy的計π方法我 如果可以用computer計πo既超多位,咁please俾埋個program我添(有得down o個個software先好講wo) (我只係知道π=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502...儘管我呢d係背o既,但只有160個位,唔夠喉...)
PiFast, by Xavier Gourdon was the fastest program for Microsoft Windows in 2003. According to its author, it can compute one million digits in 3.5 seconds on a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4.[1] PiFast can also compute other irrational numbers like e and √2. It can also work at lesser efficiency with very little memory (down to a few tens of megabytes to compute well over a billion (109) digits). This proprietary freeware tool is a popular benchmark in the overclocking community. PiFast 4.4 is available from Stu's Pi page. PiFast 4.3 is available from Gourdon's page.
π可以等於3.14、22/7、335/133 圓周率,一般以 π 來表示,是一個在數學及物理學普遍存在的數學常數。它定義為圓形之周長與直徑之比。它也等於圓形之面積與半徑平方之比。是精確計算圓周長、圓面積、球體積等幾何形狀的關鍵值。 在分析學上,π 可以嚴格地定義為滿足 sin(x) = 0 的最小正實數 x,這裡的 sin 是正弦函數(採用分析學的定義)。 常用 π 的十進位近似值為 3.1415926,另外還有由祖沖之給出的約率: 圖片參考:http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/2/9/c/29cde9f6ad7ad117be486b19047272bd.png [1]。 分析法時期——無窮級數 這一時期人們開始擺脫利用割圓術的繁複計算,開始利用無窮級數或無窮連乘積求π。 Ludolph van Ceulen (circa,1600年) 計算出首 35 個小數字。他對此感到自豪,因而命人把它刻在自己的墓碑上。 Slovene 數學家Jurij Vega於1789年得出首 140 個小數字,其中有 137 個是正確的。這個世界紀錄維持了五十年。他是利用了John Machin於1706年提出的數式。 所有以上的方法都不能快速算出 π。第一個快速算法由 Machin 提出: 圖片參考:http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/f/1/5/f15dc3d39c473c4bd718e3a98145da0d.png 其中 arctan(x) 可由泰勒級數算出。類似方法稱為「類Machin算法」。 π 有個特別的連分數表達式: 圖片參考:http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/f/4/6/f4617c1392641b9dabb48be0cbdf2330.png 2008-04-03 20:47:44 補充: 唔好意思,我D圖唔知點解show唔到出來..... 如果你想看D圖,就到http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%9C%93%E5%91%A8%E7%8E%87&variant=zh-hk ,請見諒。|||||I don`t think you`ll need to memorise the whole figure. when I was in school, we were taught that fraction 22/7 is the other way instead key in the π sign or type in 3.14.... which is slightly greater than π. therefore, you can only have an approximate answer. However, I am talking about dockey years ago when we were taught, this method may not be used for basic calculation, check with your teacher before you use it if i were you.|||||π=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450247586930792103059673903727815649146057517438936158704916571859184365765785916510457845105815439519561875149567865187561385675645667875810150417851。。。)