1.tsamma tsam·ma [tsámm?] (plural tsam·mas) noun South Africa watermelon: a watermelon, especially a variety found growing wild in desert regions 2.tsar tsar [zaar, tsaar] (plural tsars) or czar [zaar, tsaar] (plural czars) or tzar [zaar, tsaar] (plural tzars) noun 1. Russian emperor: an emperor of Russia, before 1917 2. tyrant: a tyrant or autocrat 3. somebody in authority: somebody given authority, especially for dealing with a particular issue or problem (informal) See also drug czar 3.tsarina tsa·ri·na [zaa r?n?, tsaa r?n?] (plural tsa·ri·nas) or cza·ri·na [zaa r?n?, tsaa r?n?] (plural cza·ri·nas) noun 1. Russian empress: an empress of Russia, before 1917 2. tsar's wife or widow: the wife or widow of a tsar
TSA =Training Services Agency 培訓服務局([英]DOE) tsade n. 希伯來語的第十八個字母 tsadi n. 希伯來語的第十八個字母 Tsaiwa 載瓦語 tsamba n. 糌粑(藏族的主食) Tsangpo [`tsB:N`pEJ] River見Yarlung Zangbo River Tsankiang 湛江, 見Zhanjiang tsantsa 干縮的頭 tsar n. 沙皇 tsarevitch n. 沙皇的長子 tsarevna n. 舊俄太子妃, 舊俄公主 tsarina n. 沙皇皇后 tsarism n. (=czarism)沙皇制, 獨裁政治 tsarist n. 主張獨裁政治者 adj. 俄國帝制的 Tsaritsyn 察里津|||||Technical Service Association