請幫我寫一個英文的自我介紹,我叫eric 12歲鍾意食雞翼鍾意打table tennie,最鍾意常識科同中文科因為呢2科都好有趣,鍾意呢間學校的目的是,你們學校校風良好,我覺得你地的老師和藹可親,我好鍾意呢間學校 請幫我用英文用1分鐘介紹我上邊寫D野THX 更新: 我係黃大仙,永光收左我 更新 2: 仲有常識英文
英文自我介紹 ; opbirl #1 Just popping in 註冊日期: 2006/04/27 22:22 所屬群組: 註冊會員 文章: 0 急..一分鐘英文自我介紹 麻煩幫忙看一下是否有需修改的地方,感謝大家。 Good morning, professors. My name is OOO, I was born in Tainan. Now, I work for OOO. My responsibilities are to organize a collection service that suit OOO’s customer types, manage the collections contractors as well as audit project planning and execution. These all require communication and liaison with the involved departments. All the experience had resulted in my rapid development. Superiors have also recognized my excellent record in successfully implementing projects. First,we can say: My name is XXX.I am studying in XXX(School name). My hobby is XXX because XXX is good for me.In school I like English(最好話英文la)best because English is fun.My best friend is XXX.We both like XXX(一定要話某d活動). I am cheerful so I have a lot of friends. I am good at XXX(活動) . I want to be XXX because XXX is XXX(feel). 你可以話埋你最愛食咩,最憎咩subject or more不如你話埋你想考咩中學?我會give d 面試貼士你ga! Hope i can help you!!!!!!!!!!^_^