Accounting Questions??? Skilled ppl plz help!!!
Im a beginner, just need some guide to forthe following topics:Journals, Ledgers,Acc Receivable Subsidiary Ledger, Acc Payable Susidiary Ledger, Inventory Cards, Worksheet,Post Closing Trial Balance,Income Statement,Balance Sheet,Statement of Changes in Equity1. What has to be done in each of the... 顯示更多 Im a beginner, just need some guide to forthe following topics: Journals, Ledgers, Acc Receivable Subsidiary Ledger, Acc Payable Susidiary Ledger, Inventory Cards, Worksheet, Post Closing Trial Balance, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes in Equity 1. What has to be done in each of the above? (general examples) 2. Is that possible to get to the end, if the entries not quiet right, or balanced? Thanks 更新: These are the parts I've got to do manually for the reports. As Im not too familiar with how to put each entries into the journals, would that be easier to use the acc software? MYOB? please gives some suggestions.
1.如果你開左一間公司: journals 係你日常公司做生意時 mark 低你做過 d 什麼買賣 (e.g. 賣貨收現金: Dr. Cash Cr. Sales); Ledgers 係每一個 account 的 list (e.g. Cash 的 General Ledger 會例出所有同 Cash 有關的交易); Acc Receivable Ledger 是你的債仔名單, 睇到邊個欠你錢(e.g. ABC Co.)和欠你幾錢 (Dr. ABC Co. Cr. Sales); Acc Payable Ledger 是你的債主名單, 睇到你欠邊個人錢(e.g. DEF Co.)和欠左佢幾錢 (Dr. Purchase Cr. DEF Co.); Inventory Cards 是睇你的存貨; Worksheet ... 冇特定用途, 亦都有好多用途... 其實... 你係咪照抄一個 accounting software 的內容問架? 如果係, 你就要小心用有 post 字的選項, 因為有 d accounting software 要 post 左 data 先可以睇報表, 但係如果入 data 有錯, 有 d post 左之後會冇得改, 所以 post 之前要先做 back up, 如果真係有錯都可以做 restore 去改 2. 同上啦, 你 backup 左, post closing 左 d data, 就會出 trial balance, income statement 和 balance sheet, 如果你睇到 d 數有唔妥, 可以 print 個別的 ledger 出黎睇去改. 如果你係用 accounting software, 基本上係唔會唔 balance 的, 因為佢會唔比你入機.