唔該可以比啲idea我, 用40words 作一編文,要有 save/ river/ row 的字. 一幅畫有一個人掉進河裹, 另一人坐在小船想幫他.
one day, a man called John went fishing in the White River, he got a big fish so he standed up and tried to use all his power to pull the fish up. suddenly, ht felt into the river. A man tried to row his ship and save him from the water, because of the power of nature, the men loses and the man who were fishing died from suffer 2008-01-01 16:03:07 補充: mailly row=划river=河save=救men ROW ships in the RIVER and SAVES others' lifes.you can use this mind set to create another story BY YOUR OWN ! !
Once upon a time, there was an idiot rowing a boat in River Nile. The idiot woked the Dragon in the river accidentally. The Dragon told him that he would destroy two of this idiot's possessions. "Destroy my oars and my... eh... not my food please. I need them tonight." replied the idiot fearfully, "Ah! My boat then!" The Dragon swung his tail and destroyed the boat with ease. The idiot drowned with his food, which was supposed to be served at night.