請大家幫忙如何使用whose 表達地址
I want to express the address Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong refer to ABC Secondary School.Could anyone tell me how to connect the address and the school name? Are the sentence as follows correct? If you have better alternatives, could you provide some advice to me? Thank you very... 顯示更多 I want to express the address Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong refer to ABC Secondary School. Could anyone tell me how to connect the address and the school name? Are the sentence as follows correct? If you have better alternatives, could you provide some advice to me? Thank you very much. 1. I am a student of ABC Secondary School, of whose address is Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong 2. I am a student of ABC Secondary School, whose address is Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong 更新: Jenkin I looked up dictioary and find whose can be used in describing object For example It's the house whose door is painted red. 更新 2: I am a student of ABC Secondary School, of Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong How can I use "of" to link two things?
Using "whose" to express the address of a school As in the example " It's the house whose door is painted red" quoted by you from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, "whose" can be used correctly to mean "of which " in addition to "of whom", as the possessive form of which and who respectively. Although It has sometimes been claimed, as Jenkin does above, that "whose" is properly used only as the possessive form of who and thus should be restricted to animate antecedents, as in "a man whose power has greatly eroded", there is extensive literary precedent for the use of whose with inanimate antecedents, as in "The play, whose style is rigidly formal, is typical of the period." In an earlier survey this example was acceptable to a large majority of the Usage Panel. Those who avoid this usage employ "of which": "The play, the style of which is rigidly formal, is typical of the period." But as this example demonstrates, substituting of which may produce a stilted sentence. Therefore if you want to express the address "Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong" to be that of ABC Secondary School, it is correct for you to write 1. I am a student of ABC Secondary School whose address is Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong. or 2. I am a student of ABC Secondary School, the address of which is Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong. 2014-02-28 20:21:07 補充: As for your sentence " I am a student of ABC Secondary School, of whose address is Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong", it is incorrect to use 'of' redundantly because 'whose' itself already means "of which".
whose只會用於「人的」,因為whose是屬於who的意思 公司/學校等等「死物的」一定不會是whose的 你要寫的簡單可以只用at把名稱和地址連上便可以(address可省去)-商業文件甚至合約都是這樣寫的: I am a student of ABC Secondary School at (address) Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong. 或者假如你擔心唔似基本句子文法也只可以用that I am a student of ABC Secondary School that is at Room 34, 34/F, China tower, Golden Road, Hong Kong.