請幫我翻譯內容 感謝^^We can verify your order via fax if it is easier for you. We will need for you to fax us a copy of the front and back of your credit card alongwith a copy of your photo id. We also need a written statement from thecredit card holder verifying the amount of the purchase and the signature... 顯示更多 請幫我翻譯內容 感謝^^ We can verify your order via fax if it is easier for you. We will need for you to fax us a copy of the front and back of your credit card along with a copy of your photo id. We also need a written statement from the credit card holder verifying the amount of the purchase and the signature of the credit card holder. Please make sure that everything in the fax is clear and easy to read. You can fax this information to 1-614-818-2730 or call us at 1-614-891-8354. Please contact us no later than 4/30/07 or your order may be canceled. 更新: 請問pasta "書面結算單"來確認購物的金額,(附上持卡人的簽名) 或請問 i 持卡人手寫的證明, 來說明購買的數量價格, 並附上持卡人簽名 意思是我在官網購物的明細 要用手寫序號-品項-尺寸-顏色-金額...等詳細資料.然後在附上我的信用卡簽名嗎?? 感謝喔^^
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若這樣對你來說比較方便的話,我們可以經由傳真來確認你的訂單, 我們將需要你傳真你信用卡的正反兩面給我們, 外加一份你附有照片之證件的影本, 另外我們還需要持卡人手寫的證明, 來說明購買的數量價格, 並附上持卡人簽名. 請注意, 每一項傳真都須能看的清楚並可簡單的閱讀, 你可以將這些資料傳真到1-614-818-2730 或是打到這裡找我們: 1-614-891-8354. 請在4/30/07之前聯絡我們, 否則你的訂單將會被取消