I-864的FEE跟 IV 的FEE CR-1問題
我先生是從網路上繳費 那繳完費用之後我們需要印出收據然後寄給NVC? 從網站上看沒有寫要寄回 但是看其他討論區 很多人都說需要再寄回 那到底是要不要寄回呢? 若要寄回 要寄去哪@@?
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You do not need to provide the receipt while filing for I-864. However, if you are in doubt, this is the contact information. You can contact 24-hour information line The National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at 1-800-375-5283 TTY: (1-800-767-1833) Operator-assisted phone line Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 12:00 AM (EST) Tel: (603 334-0700). => you may be asked for a case number and/or receipt number. Mail: WC, The National Visa Center 32 Rochester Avenue , Portsmouth , NH 03801-2909 Email: NVCINQUIRY@state.gov